1. Andres Cardenas - Google Scholar
Andres Cardenas. Stanford University. Verified email at stanford.edu - Homepage · EpigeneticsEpigenomicsEnvironmental Epidemiology. ArticlesCited byPublic ...
Stanford University - Cited by 4,208 - Epigenetics - Epigenomics - Environmental Epidemiology
2. Andrés Cárdenas - Hospital Clínic Barcelona
He has over 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 75 book chapters. He serves on the Boards of several Journals including Liver Transplantation ( ...
Dr. Cárdenas is a Staff Member and Consultant of the Institute of Digestive Diseases and Metabolism at Hospital Clinic and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona. His main research interests are cirrhosis and its complications, interventional procedures in patients with cirrh
3. Andres Cardenas - Stanford Profiles
I am an environmental epidemiologist and serve as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at Stanford University.
Andres Cardenas is part of Stanford Profiles, official site for faculty, postdocs, students and staff information (Expertise, Bio, Research, Publications, and more). The site facilitates research and collaboration in academic endeavors.
4. Andres Cardenas - Articles - Scientific Research Publishing
Andres Cardenas. ... Articles. Journals A-Z. Browse Subjects. Biomedical & Life Sci. Business & Economics · Chemistry & Materials Sci. Computer Sci ...
Andres Cardenas
5. Andrés Cárdenas - Google Scholar
Software Network Researcher at I2CAT | Assistant Professor at Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Verified email at i2cat.net - Homepage.
Software Network Researcher at I2CAT | Assistant Professor at Polytechnic University of Catalonia - Cited by 184 - 6G - Mobile Networks - Cloud/Edge Computing - SDN - NFV
6. Andres Cardenas | Stanford Medicine
Andres Cardenas. Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Population ... Journal Articles (164); Books and Book Chapters (3); Conference Proceedings (1) ...
I am an environmental epidemiologist and serve as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at Stanford University. I joined the faculty at Stanford School of Medicine in 2022.
7. Andrés L. Cárdenas-Rozo - Google Scholar
Global warming and neotropical rainforests: a historical perspective · Revised stratigraphy of Neogene strata in the Cocinetas basin, La Guajira, Colombia.
Full Professor, Universidad EAFIT - Cited by 570 - Palaeontology - Stratigraphy - Geology
8. Andrés David Cárdenas - Articles - Scientific Research Publishing
Approach to Massive Bleeding in Obstetrics: Changing Management Paradigms Oriented by Early Goals [Early Goal Therapy in Postpartum Hemorrhage] (Articles).
Andrés David Cárdenas
9. Combining Biostatics and Genomics Research to Prevent Disease
Articles and Journals ... And the environment is largely a preventable cause,” Cardenas said in an OSU press release. (Photo courtesy of Andres Cardenas).
With NIEHS support, Andres Cardenas, Ph.D., combines epidemiological, molecular, and computational approaches to understand the role of environmental exposures on disease development.